
My Hats

We all wear many hats in our personal and professional lives - all while striving to maintain a healthy work/life balance.

It is NOT easy! But trust me, it can be done!

Here are a few of the hats I wear everyday!




150 BayFit
Prosper Private Training
Crews Control LLC

I left my career as an unhealthy, unhappy corporate banker in 2010. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I just knew I couldn’t spend another day stuck behind a desk combing through spreadsheets!

I discovered Personal Training in 2012 and fell in love with the practice. Every venture I’ve taken since then has been in pursuit of my mission to motivate, challenge, and inspire as many people as possible to become the best versions of themselves!



Feats of Strength

Men’s Health Fittest Trainer

60” Box Jump

105 Foot Handstand Walk

350 Lb Clean

Hardcore Parkour

Half Marathoner, Tough Mudder, Spartan

I started working out because I wanted to look like a superhero. I had some success in building my physique by targeting specific areas.

But it wasn’t until I started training for functional goals that my body started to transform. Train for performance and aesthetics will follow!




Personal Training & Group Classes

CrossFit Games Coach 2017

Nutrition - Shirtless Chef

Military Training

Master of Ceremonies

Get After It Youth Group

I started my career in the fitness industry making $9 per half hour training session. As you might imagine, I had to train A LOT of people to make a living wage. So I had the privilege of working with a wide range of ages, fitness levels and preexisting injuries.

Throughout my career I have honed my craft by working with a diversity of populations and creating programs that can help anyone reach their goals!

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Family Man

My Muse & My Lion

I met Sinead in the Southside of Pittsburgh in 2010. She didn’t care that I was a financially successful banker. But she loved that I was the lead singer of a rock and roll cover band! She has been my best friend and biggest fan ever since!

Sinead’s family grew up with Golden Retrievers. So about 7 months after we got married, Hawley joined the Crews crew! She loves chicken, cold weather, and cuddles!